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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Overview of Periods in Element View

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    Periods and period levels are displayed in multiple places in the Element View: In the upper right corner next to element’s value, in the indicator(s), in graph(s) and in the values and/or sub-elements tables. As a general rule, the same period and period level is used everywhere. Also the same period is used in all the views in QPR Portal. Thus entering the Element View for example from a Dashboards view will cause the element view to use the same period the element had in the dashboards. There are some exceptions to this rule:

    If the indicator has been given a period (i.e. the period is other than <None>), that period will be displayed by the indicator when the element view is initially opened. However, if the period of the indicator is set to <None>, period chosen in Portal is used in all situations.

    If the period is later changed in the Element View, indicator will display this new period (to which possible offset is applied) provided that the indicator’s period is not set to “Locked to default in web”.


    The above applies also to history charts.


    If chart’s period is other than <None>, chart displays that period (and defined number of periods before and after it), when the element view is initially opened. If the period of the chart is set to <None>, period chosen in Portal is used in all situations.

    If period is changed in the Element View, charts whose period is not set to “Locked to default in web” display the new period.


    The same logic is also applied to other layout items in element’s graph that are period-dependent (trend arrows, warning icons …).

    The sub-elements table has two different modes of period behavior:

    By default the sub-elements table uses the period chosen for Portal in the case current or some fixed period has been chosen. If the chosen period is non-fixed (for example latest), the table uses for each sub-element the latest period for which that sub-element has a value.

    This behavior can be changed by administrators by modifying the “periodmode” parameter in the <#SubelementRows> tag in Element View’s template (file named sc_elementview_subelements.tpl).

    The default value of this parameter is “latest for all”, which causes the sub-elements table to function as described above.

    If the value is changed to “latest”, the behavior of the sub-elements-table depends on the number of indicators in the Element View. If there is exactly one indicator present, the sub-elements table uses the period displayed by the indicator. In other cases the period of the sub-elements table is either top element’s or the current element’s latest period depending on the chosen period for the Portal: latest or latest for all.


    The Values table for an element displays values for those periods (and period level) visible in the history chart if there is exactly one history chart present in the element view. If there are more history charts (or no history charts at all), the values table shows the latest 5 values of the element using the element’s default period level.