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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Element View

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    The Element View shows properties for an element. There are two modes for the element view, Summary mode and Details mode. Mode can be changed by clicking Show Details and Show Summary in the toolbar.


    Summary Mode


    In the summary mode there is only basic information available: title which shows the element name, scorecard and the primary role in the case roles have been defined for the element type. There is also a graph section, recent actions section and values section in the summary mode. However, the recent actions and values section may not always be visible, as their visibility can be controlled by the administrator. See QPR Developer's Guide for more details. Links at the bottom of the view will open a view listing all alerts, linked data, sub-elements, or information items connected to the current element. The Alerts link allows you to add alerts as well.


    Details Mode


    Details mode shows all the information in summary mode, but there is also a details section, alerts section, linked data section, sub-elements section and information items section. The measure information shown in the Details Pane is the same as in the Element View Details Mode. The sub-elements section may not always be visible, as its visibility can be controlled by the administrator. See QPR Developer's Guide for more details.


    Definitions Section


    Definitions section (shown only in details mode) shows additional information about the element: element name, type, scorecard, default measurement unit, and all roles for which users have been assigned provided that the element type has roles defined for it.


    With full rights to the element, you can also change the definitions of the element. To do this, click the "Edit" button in the top right corner of this section. For information on editing element definitions, see the Measure Definitions View topic.


    Graph Section


    Graph section shows graphs such as indicators and history charts. Indicators show a single value for any selected period and the history charts show values for a selected range of periods in a table.


    You can change the graph layout by clicking the Layout Templates link, which will open the Layout Templates Window.


    History chart period settings can be changed by clicking Graph Settings link, which will open the Graph Settings Window.


    Recent Actions Section


    Recent actions section shows a table of the attached items that are recently created or modified. Type field shows the icon for the element type, Date shows the date when the action was created or modified, Person shows the person who created or modified the item and Header shows the name of the item. By clicking the item name, the details of the item will be opened, depending on the type of the item.


    Clicking Add above the listing will open a view for adding actions for the current element. The Show All button will open an action view for a scorecard for viewing actions linked to it. Creating new actions through the view is also possible.


    You can also switch the section to display actions which have their fixed dates (i.e. the "Date stamp" field in the action editor) within the currently selected period by clicking the -> Actions - <period> button next to the section title. Clicking the -> Recent Actions button switches the list to display the recently added or modified actions.


    Values Section


    Values section shows values for selected period range. If status have been set for values, they are also displayed here. Range can be defined with the drop-down lists above the table.


    The order of columns is determined according to the following rules:

    If custom order is defined in value settings, that order is used.

    If the custom order is not used, the following rules apply:

    oThe default series is shown first

    oIf indicator series is some other series than the default series, it is shown second

    oAfter the indicator series, all series with manual input are shown in alphabetical order

    oFinally, all series with non-manual input are shown in alphabetical order


    Clicking Edit opens the Edit Values View, which allows you to edit the element values. To view values of all series and periods, click the Show All link. If you want to edit the values, click Edit All and a new window will open for editing the values.



    Alerts Section


    Alerts section shows the alerts defined for the element. Type shows the alert type, Last Alerted shows the date and time when it has been alerted for the last time (if ever) and Recipients shows all persons that are set to be recipients for the alert.


    Clicking Add opens a dialog which allows you to add a new alert. Show All opens the alert list.


    Linked Data Section


    Linked data section shows linked data attached to the element. Show All opens the linked data list.


    Sub-elements Section


    Sub-elements section shows the child elements of the current element in the order that's defined in the Navigator view in QPR Metrics client. Also reference elements and intermodel references are shown to those users who have rights to view reference elements. The sub-elements show data from the same period as the indicator in the Graph section. Show All opens a list of all sub-elements.


    Information Items Section


    Information items section shows information items attached to the element. Show All opens the information item list.




    The Element View toolbar contains the following options:


    Select Model

    Opens the Select Model window.

    QPR Metrics Client

    Opens the QPR Metrics Client application. This is visible only if user has rights to use client application and "Opening QPR Client applications from QPR Portal" is enabled from QPR Configuration Manager.


    Opens the current view for printing.


    Allows you add the current view to your list of QPR Portal bookmarks. When an element view is bookmarked, the period of the indicator and the period interval of the history chart are saved in the following way:

    If period settings have not been set manually, the default period settings of the indicator or the history chart are used, and the bookmark displays always e.g. the latest period.

    If period settings have been manually altered before bookmarking the view, the customized settings are stored in the bookmark.


    The abovementioned bookmarking behavior applies also to history chart and indicator items as well as view items (i.e. the element view itself) added to basket from the element view.

    Add to Basket

    Adds the element into the Basket for using it in Briefing Booklets.

    Copy Link

    Copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied.


    Opens the action view for the scorecard. In this view, you can see all actions currently linked to the scorecard, and you can also create new ones.


    Opens a view for selecting the series used in QPR Portal and for which the indicator displays a value in this view. Note that only the series that exist in the current element are available when the series selection is accessed from the Element View. Note that this selection may not affect all series displayed in the view, see Locking and Offset with Periods and Series for more information.


    Opens the Period Selection view for selecting the period used in QPR Portal and for which indicators and history charts, among other items, display values in this view. Note that this selection may not affect all periods displayed in the view, see Locking and Offset with Periods and Series and Overview of Periods in Element View for more information.

    Show Summary / Show Details

    Switches between the summary mode and the details mode.