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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Period Selection View

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    In this view you can select the period that is used in QPR Portal.


    There are three different sections in the view:


    Quick Selection


    This section allows you to select some of the most likely choices quickly. The upmost row allows you to select either Current, Latest, Latest for all, or Default period to be displayed.


    The Latest option shows the value for the latest period for which the top element contains a value in the currently selected series. The top element's period is used also for the other elements in the view. Note that the latest period up to the current date is used even if there are values for future periods. When applied to measures using a Milestones period level, the latest period that has a value is shown.


    The Latest for all option shows the value for the latest period containing a value in the currently selected series for each element separately (i.e. the top element does not affect other elements). Note that the latest period up to the current date is used even if there are values for future periods.


    The Previous option displays the period preceding the current period for each model element. In case of milestone periods, this selection works the same way as the Current selection.


    The Current option displays the current period (i.e. the period that is currently going on), if available. When applied to measures using a Milestones period level, the latest period that has a value is shown.


    The Next option displays the period following the current period for each model element. In case of milestone periods, this selection works the same way as the Current selection.


    The Default option cancels the period selections you have made earlier in the session and resets all views to display the period defined in the view-specific settings.


    Below these choices there are three columns of period levels with 7 periods (by default) in each column. The periods are listed so that there is the active (i.e. the period that is used at the time) period at the middle of the column and in addition to the active period, the list displays three periods prior to the active period as well as three periods after the active period.


    Select Period Level


    In this section you can select the period level for which periods are displayed in the Select Period section.


    Note that in the case the period level selection has been locked for a chart or a circular gauge indicator in QPR Metrics client, changing the period level in this dialog has no effect. Thus, the period level defined in QPR Metrics client will always be shown regardless of the period level chosen here.


    Select Period


    In this section you can select the period that is used in the view. The choices available depend on the period level selected in the Select Period Level section.


    After selecting the desired period, click the OK button to confirm the selection, after which the Period Selection window is closed and the view refreshed. To close the window without making any changes, click the Cancel button. Clicking the Help button opens this help window.


    Note that in the case the period has been locked for an element in QPR Metrics client, changing the period in this dialog has no effect. Thus, the period defined in QPR Metrics client will always be shown regardless of the period chosen here. In addition, if a non-Milestones period is selected, measures in a Milestones type period level will show the value of the latest period of their period level.