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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Scorecards


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    The Actions view provides a listing of actions that have a QPR Metrics measure among parent elements. The view displays the actions according to fully configurable view settings. You can define which fields are displayed in the analysis table as well as filter the actions shown in the listing. Click the Show Designer button at the upper right corner to reveal the View Designer view, with which you can define settings for views and save them as presets available in the menu that's accessible through the Views button.


    The table under the view title displays columns and actions configured for the view. Click any action header to open its details. The details are opened into the bottom of the view. Select the desired scorecard from the hierarchy frame to the left, or select the All scorecards option.


    Click the Add button in the toolbar to create a new action under the selected level.


    Click the Export to Office button in the toolbar to open the Export to Office tool frame. This is visible only if QPR Web Services Foundation is installed and available.


    Clicking the Copy Link button in the toolbar copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied.


    You can sort the contents of the view by clicking the column titles. There are the following things to note about the sorting:

    Sorting is done for each level separately, i.e. the main level is sorted first, then the second level branches are sorted individually under the main level elements, then the third level elements under the second level elements and so forth.

    A filled (black) triangle in the column title indicates primary sorting order, i.e. the column marked with this is sorted first. The sorting order (ascending or descending) is indicated by the direction of the black arrow. The order can be reversed by clicking on the column title again.

    An empty triangle indicates secondary sorting order, i.e. all columns marked with these are sorted after the column marked for primary sorting is sorted.