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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Reports

    Manage Reports

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    By selecting the appropriate view from the left frame, you can list the report templates or the generated reports, sorted to their category folders. The right frame contains the list of report templates or reports.


    To add a new report template, select Report templates on the left frame and click Add. This will open the Create Report Template window in which you can define the report template properties.


    To modify an existing report template, select Report templates on the left frame, select the template to be modified in the right frame, and click Edit on the Details Pane. This will open the Modify Report Template window in which you can define the report template properties. If the Details Pane is disabled, the Modify Word Report Template window can be opened by clicking Edit on the report properties shown on the bottom of the view, and  the report template can be deleted by clicking Delete.


    To view a generated report, click the View report link. Alternatively, you can select Generated reports on the left frame, then select the report you want to open on the right frame, click All properties on the Details Pane, and then click on the file link on the Report data field. If the Details Pane is disabled, click the file link on the Report Data field on the report properties shown on the bottom of the view.


    To modify the Header, Description, Category, or Published to properties of a generated report, select Generated reports on the left frame, select the  report on the right frame, and click Edit on the Details Pane. This will open the Modify Word Report window in which you can also delete the report. If the Details Pane is disabled, the Modify Word Report window can be opened by clicking Edit on the report properties shown on the bottom of the view and deleted by clicking Delete.


    Note that deleting a report in the Manage Reports view will delete the report from all users.


    Clicking the Copy Link button in the toolbar copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied.