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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Reports > Manage Reports

    Report Template

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    The name of the report.


    The description of the report.


    A Microsoft Office Word template file created by using QPR Add-in for Microsoft Office. Click Browse and select the template you want to use with the reports. If the template has been selected already, you can remove it by clicking Delete.


    The user, whose user account is used for publishing. By default, the publisher is the user who is currently logged in. To change the publisher, click Modify and type in the Login name and the Password of the desired user.


    If the Published for each user separately option is selected, the report is published for the users using their own access rights, instead of the access rights of the publisher.


    The selections associated with this property define when the reports are generated.


    Select the Overwrite existing report checkbox to have newly published reports overwrite the previously published reports. If this is not selected, the published report is added to the report list, and the newest published report can be determined by checking the creation date of the report.

    Publish now

    Clicking this button publishes the report immediately.


    To categorize the report, type in the category names as a comma and/or semicolon separated list. Note that quotation marks and double quotation marks are not supported in the names. The categories are shown as report folders in the list of reports and report templates.

    Publish to

    This field defines the persons the report is published to.


    Author publishes the report only to the person who created it. Everyone publishes the report to every user and the Selected users option publishes the report to a certain group of users only. You can define the users that the action will be published to by clicking the Users button.