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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > View Designer

    View Designer Field Selection View

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    In this view you can select new fields to be included in the analysis, actions, discussion, or the navigator view. Select one or more fields to be included in the view and click the Add button. Click the Cancel button to close the view without adding any fields. You can select multiple fields with the help of Ctrl (hold down to select multiple individual fields) and Shift (hold down to select a range of fields) keys. The following fields are available for different views:


    Fields available for the Analysis View under the Processes tab:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the element type icon, link to the element's detail view, and a link to the diagram on which it appears.


    Displays an icon indicating the type of the process step.


    Displays the name of the element.


    Displays the description of the element.


    Displays the ID of the element.


    Displays the owner of the element.

    Version information last changed

    Displays the date and time when the element's version information was last changed (this might not be the last actual modification).


    Displays the author of a child diagram or the model.


    Displays the status of a child diagram or the model.


    Displays comment connected to a child diagram or to the model.


    Displays the version of the model or a child diagram.


    Displays the model name and a link to the Model Properties view.


    Displays and provides links to diagrams the element is used in.

    Organization items

    Displays and provides links to organization items the process step belongs to.

    Model creation date

    Displays the date when the model was created.

    Model last saved date

    Displays the date when the model was last saved.

    Diagram link

    Displays a link to a diagram in which the element is used and highlights the corresponding element in the diagram. In the case the element is contained in multiple diagrams, clicking the link opens a diagram selection view first.

    Connector from

    In the case of flows, displays a link to the details view of an element from which the flow starts.

    Connector to

    In the case of flows, displays a link to the details view of an element to which the flow ends.

    Connector from diagram

    In the case of flows, displays a link to the details view of a diagram from which the flow starts.

    Connector to diagram

    In the case of flows, displays a link to the details view of a diagram to which the flow ends.

    Store type

    Displays whether a store is a material store or an information store.

    Information item type

    Displays the type of information items.

    Information item link

    Displays a link to the information linked or embedded to the information item.

    Resource type

    Displays the type of a resource.

    Resource unit

    Displays the unit by which the cost of a resource is calculated.

    Organization unit type

    Displays the type of an organization item.


    Displays headers and descriptions of actions connected to the element.

    Action headers

    Displays headers of actions connected to the element.

    Add action

    Button for adding an action to the element listed in the row.

    Custom attribute

    Displays the value of a selected type of custom attribute for elements which have the corresponding custom attribute defined.

    QPR Metrics link

    Displays a link to a QPR Metrics element that is linked to the QPR Modeling Client element on the corresponding row.

    Attached Elements

    Displays the elements that have been attached to the current element.

    Number of instances

    The total number of instances the element has in the model.

    Parent Organization

    Displays the upper level organization item of the organization item.

    Child Organizations

    Displays the immediate child organization items of the organization item.


    For organization items, displays the Person type resources used.

    Process Steps

    For organization items, displays the process steps in the organization item.

    Parent Note

    Displays the upper level note of the note.

    Child Notes

    Displays the immediate child notes of the note.

    Child information items

    Displays the immediate child information items of the information item.

    Parent information items

    Displays the upper level information item of the information item.

    Data Type

    For information items, displays whether the information item is embedded or linked.

    Organization Item

    For Person type resources, displays the list of organization items where the resource is used.

    Information Item Usage

    For information items, displays the list of elements where the information item is used.

    Resource Usage

    For resources, displays the list of elements where the resource is used.

    Parent diagram

    For all elements that can be drawn on a diagram, displays the parent diagram name of the current instance (if the view shows instances as separate nodes) or the list of parent diagram names of all instances sorted by name (if the view shows one node for all instances).

    External model

    For external model elements, displays the information location of the external model referenced by the element.

    External Model URL

    For external model elements, displays the custom URL.


    For connectors, displays the element names where the connector is coming from.


    For connectors, displays the element names where the connector is going to.

    Outgoing connectors

    For all connectable elements, displays the lists of the outgoing connector names for the current instance.

    Incoming connectors

    For all connectable elements, displays the lists of the incoming connector names for the current instance.


    For all elements that allow attached elements, displays the lists of the attached element names for the current instance.

    Attached to

    For all elements that allow attaching to elements, displays the element names where this element is attached to for the current instance.

    Information Items

    Displays the list of information item names used in this element.


    Displays the list of note names used in this element.

    Mapped connectors

    For input and output interfaces, displays the connectors mapped to the interface.

    Mapped source interface

    For connectors, the interface element that is mapped to the connector start.

    Mapped destination interface

    For connectors, the interface element that is mapped to the connector end.



    Fields available for the Navigator View under the Processes tab:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the element hierarchy.


    Displays an icon indicating the type of the process step.


    Displays the name of the element.


    Displays the description of the element.


    Displays the ID of the element.


    Displays the model name and a link to the Model Properties view.


    Displays and provides links to diagrams the element is used in.

    Model creation date

    Displays the date when the model was created.

    Model last saved date

    Displays the date when the model was last saved.

    Diagram link

    Displays a link to a diagram in which the element is used and highlights the corresponding element in the diagram. In the case the element is contained in multiple diagrams, clicking the link opens a diagram selection view first.


    Displays headers and descriptions of actions connected to the element.

    Action headers

    Displays headers of actions connected to the element.

    Add action

    Button for adding an action to the element listed in the row.

    Custom attribute

    Displays the value of a selected type of custom attribute for elements which have the corresponding custom attribute defined.

    QPR Metrics link

    Displays a link to a QPR Metrics element that is linked to the QPR Modeling Client element on the corresponding row.

    Attached Elements

    Displays the elements that have been attached to the current element.

    Version information last changed

    Displays the date and time when the element's version information was last changed (this might not be the last actual modification).


    Displays the author of a child diagram or the model.


    Displays the status of a child diagram or the model.


    Displays comment connected to a child diagram or to the model.


    Displays the version of the model or a child diagram.


    Displays the owner of the action.

    Organization items

    Displays and provides links to organization items the process step belongs to.

    Store type

    Displays whether a store is a material store or an information store.

    Information item type

    Displays the type of information items.

    Information item link

    Displays a link to the information linked or embedded to the information item.

    Resource type

    Displays the type of a resource.

    Resource unit

    Displays the unit by which the cost of a resource is calculated.

    Organization unit type

    Displays the type of an organization item.

    Number of instances

    Displays the total number of instances the element has in the model.

    Type name

    Displays the type as text.

    Model path

    Displays the path of the model.

    Transfer Type

    Displays the transfer type (valid only for connectors).

    Uses version information

    Displays whether the diagram element uses version information.


    Displays the symbol of the element.

    Base model element

    Displays whether elements come from the base model in the child model.

    Parent Organization

    Displays the upper level organization item of the organization item.

    Child Organizations

    Displays the immediate child organization items of the organization item.


    For organization items, displays the Person type resources used.

    Process Steps

    For organization items, displays the process steps in the organization item.

    Parent Note

    Displays the upper level note of the note.

    Child Notes

    Displays the immediate child notes of the note.

    Child information items

    Displays the immediate child information items of the information item.

    Parent information items

    Displays the upper level information item of the information item.

    Data type

    For information items, displays whether the information item is embedded or linked.

    Organization Item

    For Person type resources, displays the list of organization items where the resource is used.

    Information Item Usage

    For information items, displays the list of elements where the information item is used.

    Resource Usage

    For resources, displays the list of elements where the resource is used.

    Parent diagram

    For all elements that can be drawn on a diagram, displays the parent diagram name of the current instance (if the view shows instances as separate nodes) or the list of parent diagram names of all instances sorted by name (if the view shows one node for all instances).

    External model

    For external model elements, displays the information location of the external model referenced by the element.

    External Model URL

    For external model elements, displays the custom URL.


    For connectors, displays the element names where the connector is coming from.


    For connectors, displays the element names where the connector is going to.

    Outgoing connectors

    For all connectable elements, displays the lists of the outgoing connector names for the current instance.

    Incoming connectors

    For all connectable elements, displays the lists of the incoming connector names for the current instance.


    For all elements that allow attached elements, displays the lists of the attached element names for the current instance.

    Attached to

    For all elements that allow attaching to elements, displays the element names where this element is attached to for the current instance.

    Information items

    Displays the list of information item names used in this element.


    Displays the list of note names used in this element.

    Mapped connectors

    For input and output interfaces, displays the connectors mapped to the interface.

    Mapped source interface

    For connectors, the interface element that is mapped to the connector start.

    Mapped destination interface

    For connectors, the interface element that is mapped to the connector end.

    Incoming connectors for all instances

    For all connectable elements, this column displays the lists of the incoming connector names for all instances.

    Outgoing connectors for all instances

    For all connectable elements, this column displays the lists of the outgoing connector names for the all instances.

    Incoming relations

    For all connectable elements, this column displays the lists of the incoming relation element connector names. The relation element name is shown in case the connector name is empty.

    Outgoing relations

    For all connectable elements, this column displays the lists of the outgoing relation element connector names. The relation element name is shown in case the connector name is empty.




    Fields available for Navigator View under the Scorecards tab:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the element hierarchy of the selected scorecard.


    Displays an icon indicating the element type.


    Displays the name of the element.

    Scorecard description

    Displays the description of the scorecard in which the measure is located. If the measure is a reference measure, the description is taken from the original scorecard of the measure.

    Element description

    Displays the description of the element.


    Displays the identifier value of the element.


    Displays the numerical ID of the element.

    Last modified

    Displays the date when the element was last modified.


    Displays the user who has created the element.

    Creation date

    Displays the date when the element was created.

    In charge

    Displays the user in charge for the element. The user in this field is the one assigned to the primary (first) role defined for the element type.


    Displays the scorecard in which the element is located.

    Scorecard identifier

    Displays the identifier of the scorecard in the element is located.


    Displays the model in which the element is located.


    Displays the value of the element for the selected series and period.*


    Displays the name of the selected period.*

    Value and period

    Displays the value and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range value

    Displays the range value of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range value and period

    Displays the range value and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range color

    Displays the range color of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range color and period

    Displays the range color and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range icon

    Displays the range icon of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range icon and period

    Displays the range icon and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Trend icon

    Displays the trend icon of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Trend icon and period

    Displays the trend icon and period of the element for the selected series and period.*


    Displays the trend of the element in a text format for the selected series and period.*

    Trend and period

    Displays the trend as a text and the corresponding period for the selected series and period.*

    Information item icon

    Displays the information item icon, which is a link to  a view listing all information items connected to the element. The icon is visible only if the element has information items connected to it.

    Information items

    Displays links to all information items connected to the element. These links are opened into a new window.

    Linked elements icon

    Displays the linked elements icon, which is a link to  a view listing all linked elements connected to the element. The icon is visible only if the element has linked elements connected to it.

    Linked elements

    Displays links to all linked elements connected to the element.

    Element type

    Displays the element type as text.

    Value settings

    Displays the value settings used by the element.

    Period level

    Displays the period level used by the element.

    Periodic accumulation

    Displays the element's periodic accumulation settings for the selected series.*

    Unit name

    Displays the name of the measurement unit used in the element.

    Measurement unit

    Displays the measurement unit used by the element.

    Input type

    Displays how values are input for the element in the selected series.*


    Displays the formula for the selected series.*

    Range name

    Displays the range the current value is in as text.

    Status icon

    Displays an icon representing the status of the current value.

    Status name

    Displays the status of the current value as text.


    Displays headers and descriptions of actions connected to the element.

    Action headers

    Displays headers of actions connected to the element.

    Add action

    Button for adding an action to the element listed in the row.


    Displays user roles defined for the element and users assigned to the roles.

    Parent element

    Displays and provides a link to the parent element in the hierarchy of the selected scorecard.

    Warning icon

    Displays a warning icon if the element type in question has warning icons enabled and if any of the child elements has a value, in the period, that belongs to a range that has warnings enabled. If either  condition is not met, the column remains empty.

    Warning icon and period

    Displays a warning icon if the element type in question has warning icons enabled and if any of the child elements has a value, in the period, that belongs to a range that has warnings enabled. If either condition is not met, the period is shown.

    Graph layout template

    Displays the name of the graph layout template currently in use for the element.

    Create element

    Displays a link to create an element under the selected element. A QPR Metrics client user license with sufficient user rights are needed for the link to be active.

    Delete element

    Displays a link to delete the element. A QPR Metrics client user license with sufficient user rights are needed for the link to be active.

    Index number

    Displays a number which represents the position of the element in the fully expanded hierarchy tree.

    *Fields can have field-specific series and period settings or they can use the series and period configured for the view with the "View default" option.



    Fields available for the Analysis View under the Scorecards tab:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the element type icon and the element name, both working as links to the corresponding element view.


    Displays an icon indicating the element type.


    Displays the name of the element.

    Scorecard description

    Displays the description of the scorecard in which the measure is located. If the measure is a reference measure, the description is taken from the original scorecard of the measure.

    Element description

    Displays the description of the element.


    Displays the identifier value of the element.


    Displays the numerical ID of the element.

    Last modified

    Displays the date when the element was last modified.


    Displays the user who has created the element.

    Creation date

    Displays the date when the element was created.

    In charge

    Displays the user in charge for the element. The user in this field is the one assigned to the primary (first) role defined for the element type.


    Displays the scorecard in which the element is located.

    Scorecard identifier

    Displays the identifier of the scorecard in the element is located.


    Displays the model in which the element is located.


    Displays the value of the element for the selected series and period.*


    Displays the name of the selected period.*

    Value and period

    Displays the value and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range value

    Displays the range value of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range value and period

    Displays the range value and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range color

    Displays the range color of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range color and period

    Displays the range color and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range icon

    Displays the range icon of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Range icon and period

    Displays the range icon and period of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Trend icon

    Displays the trend icon of the element for the selected series and period.*

    Trend icon and period

    Displays the trend icon and period of the element for the selected series and period.*


    Displays the trend of the element in a text format for the selected series and period.*

    Trend and period

    Displays the trend as a text and the corresponding period for the selected series and period.*

    Information item icon

    Displays the information item icon, which is a link to a view listing all information items connected to the element. The icon is visible only if the element has information items connected to it.

    Information items

    Displays links to all information items connected to the element. These links are opened into a new window.

    Linked elements icon

    Displays the linked elements icon, which is a link to a view listing all linked elements connected to the element. The icon is visible only if the element has linked elements connected to it.

    Linked elements

    Displays links to all linked elements connected to the element.

    Element type

    Displays the element type as text.

    Value settings

    Displays the value settings used by the element.

    Period level

    Displays the period level used by the element.

    Periodic accumulation

    Displays the element's periodic accumulation settings for the selected series.*

    Unit name

    Displays the name of the measurement unit used in the element.

    Measurement unit

    Displays the measurement unit used by the element.

    Input type

    Displays how values are input for the element in the selected series.*


    Displays the formula for the selected series.*

    Range name

    Displays the range the current value is in as text.

    Status icon

    Displays an icon representing the status of the current value.

    Status name

    Displays the status of the current value as text.


    Displays headers and descriptions of actions connected to the element.

    Action headers

    Displays headers of actions connected to the element.

    Add action

    Button for adding an action to the element listed in the row.


    Displays user roles defined for the element and users assigned to the roles.

    Parent element

    Displays and provides a link to the parent element in the hierarchy of the selected scorecard.

    Warning icon

    Displays a warning icon if the element type in question has warning icons enabled and if any of the child elements has a value, in the period, that belongs to a range that has warnings enabled. If either condition is not met, the column remains empty.

    Warning icon and period

    Displays a warning icon if the element type in question has warning icons enabled and if any of the child elements has a value, in the period, that belongs to a range that has warnings enabled. If either condition is not met, the period is shown.

    Graph layout template

    Displays the name of the graph layout template currently in use for the element.

    Create element

    Displays a link to create an element under the selected element. A QPR Metrics client user license with sufficient user rights are needed for the link to be active.

    Delete element

    Displays a link to delete the element. A QPR Metrics client user license with sufficient user rights are needed for the link to be active.

    Index number

    Displays a number which represents the position of the element in the fully expanded hierarchy tree.

    *Fields can have field-specific series and period settings or they can use the series and period configured for the view with the "View default" option.



    Fields available for Actions Views under the Processes and Scorecards tabs as well as the Action Discussion View:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the actions attached to the selected scorecard or diagram as a hierarchy.


    Displays an icon indicating the type of the action.


    Displays the name of the action.


    Displays the description of the action.


    Displays the ID of the action.


    Displays the person who made the latest modifications to the action.

    Last modified

    Displays the date when the action was last modified.


    Displays the person who has created the action.

    Creation date

    Displays the date when the action was created.


    Displays the category of the action.


    Displays the owner of the action.

    Assigned to

    Displays the user who the action has been assigned to.

    Approved by

    Displays the user who has approved the action.

    Approved date

    Displays the date when the action was approved.

    Start date

    Displays the date when the action was or will be started.


    Displays the deadline date for the action.


    Displays the status of the action.


    Displays the completion percentage of the action.


    Displays the version number of the action.


    Displays the severity rating of a risk action.

    Identified by

    Displays the user who has identified a risk action.


    Displays the date when a risk was identified.


    Displays the percentage how likely a risk is to occur.

    Impact minimization

    Displays information about minimizing the impact if the event(s) described in a risk occur.


    Displays information about how to weaken the effect if the event(s) described in a risk occur.


    Displays the monetary loss caused by the occurrence of a risk.


    Displays the rating of a risk.


    Displays notes and additional information about a risk.

    Valid from

    Displays the date from which a strategy item action is valid.

    Valid to

    Displays the date until which a strategy item action is valid.


    Displays attachments linked to the action.

    Type name

    Displays the type of the action as text.

    Linked to

    Displays the model elements and/or actions the action has been linked to.

    Linked to model

    Displays the QPR Metrics or QPR Modeling Client model the action has been linked to.

    Linked to scorecard

    Displays the scorecard which contains the parent element of the action.

    Linked to scorecard symbol

    Displays the symbol (identifier) of the scorecard which contains the parent element of the action.

    Diagram link

    Displays the diagram that contains the parent element of the action.

    Date stamp

    Displays the date stamp set for the action.


    Displays a link with which it is possible to trigger the workflow with the parameter that was defined field properties. If a ticket doesn't exist for the workflow, displays a link to create a ticket for the workflow.



    Fields available for Action Analysis View:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the header of the action.


    Displays an icon indicating the type of the action.


    Displays the name of the action.


    Displays the description of the action.


    Displays the ID of the action.


    Displays the person who made the latest modifications to the action.

    Last modified

    Displays the date when the action was last modified.


    Displays the person who has created the action.

    Creation date

    Displays the date when the action was created.


    Displays the category of the action.


    Displays the owner of the action.

    Assigned to

    Displays the user who the action has been assigned to.

    Approved by

    Displays the user who has approved the action.

    Approved date

    Displays the date when the action was approved.

    Start date

    Displays the date when the action was or will be started.


    Displays the deadline date for the action.


    Displays the status of the action.


    Displays the completion percentage of the action.


    Displays the version of the action.


    Displays the severity rating of a risk action.

    Identified by

    Displays the user who has identified a risk action.


    Displays the date when a risk was identified.


    Displays the percentage how likely a risk is to occur.

    Impact minimization

    Displays information about minimizing the impact if the event(s) described in a risk occur.


    Displays information about how to weaken the effect if the event(s) described in a risk occur.


    Displays the monetary loss caused by the occurrence of a risk.


    Displays the rating of a risk.


    Displays notes and additional information about a risk.

    Valid from

    Displays the date from which a strategy item action is valid.

    Valid to

    Displays the date until which a strategy item action is valid.


    Displays attachments linked to the action.

    Child actions

    Displays actions that are located under the current action in the hierarchy.

    Type name

    Displays the type of the action as text.

    Linked to

    Displays the model elements and/or actions the action has been linked to.

    Linked to model

    Displays the QPR Metrics or QPR Modeling Client model the action has been linked to.

    Linked to scorecard

    Displays the scorecard which contains the parent element of the action.

    Linked to scorecard symbol

    Displays the symbol (identifier) of the scorecard which contains the parent element of the action.

    Diagram link

    Displays the diagram that contains the parent element of the action.

    Date stamp

    Displays the date stamp set for the action.



    Fields available for Word Reports View and/or Word Report Templates view:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the header of the report.


    Displays the name of the report.


    Displays the description of the report.


    Displays the ID of the report.


    Displays the Word report template used to generate the report.


    Displays the person who made the latest modifications to the report template.

    Last modified

    Displays the date when the report was last modified.


    Displays the person who has created the report template.

    Creation date

    Displays the date when the report was created.


    Displays the list of selected users to whom the report is published.


    Displays a link that can be used to delete the report.


    Displays how often the report is generated

    Last published

    Displays the date and time of the last generated report.

    View report

    Displays a link that can be used to view a generated report.


    Fields available for the Workflows view and/or Workflow Tickets view:

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Displays the header of the workflow.


    Displays the type as an icon.


    Displays the name of the workflow.


    Displays the description of the workflow.


    Displays the ID of the workflow.


    Displays the person who made the latest modifications to the workflow.

    Last modified

    Displays the date when the workflow was last modified.


    Displays the person who has created the workflow.

    Creation date

    Displays the date when the workflow was created.

    Type name

    Displays the type as text.


    Displays the object whose workflow ticket the current ticket is for the selected workflow.


    Displays the workflow to which the workflow ticket belongs.

    Current status

    Displays the current status of the workflow ticket.

    Trigger workflow

    Displays a link to trigger the workflow.


    Displays the workflow definition.


    Displays the tickets of the workflow.

    Bound to types

    Displays the action types the workflow is bound to.

    Automatic ticket creation

    Displays whether the automatic ticket creation is enabled.