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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    View Filter Designer View

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    In the View Filter Designer view you can add and remove filters which define the selection of actions or model elements that are included in the analysis, actions, or navigator view. This view can be accessed through the View Designer View. Note that you can resize the window by dragging from the corner of the window with your mouse. Increasing the size of the window enables viewing e.g. long custom attribute names.


    A filter can be defined by first selecting the desired logical operator option from the drop-down box containing the "and" and "or" operators (not available for the first filter). After defining the operator, select the attribute the filtering is based on from the drop-down menu. The rest of the contents of the view depends on the selected attribute. See the table below for listing of possible combinations. Note that all attributes are not available in all views, i.e. the selection of attributes depends on whether you are working with the analysis view for Processes, Scorecards, or Actions tab. In addition, the field that filtering is based on needs to be included in the view in order for the filtering to work correctly. In addition, text used in filters is not case sensitive, so for instance Name + contains "Process" works similarly as Name + contains "process".


    To apply the filter to textual values (values that are in a text type series), select the Text check box.


    In the case you combine multiple filters with the "and" and "or" operators, note that the operators have equal priority and they are applied from left to right. For example, in the case there is a filter expression1 or expression2 and expression3 or expression4, it is equal to ((expression1 or expression2) and expression3) or expression4.


    Click the Add button to add a filter and Remove button to delete a defined filter.




    Additional selections/input

    Header, Name, Description, Id, Symbol, Category, Status, Scorecard, Model, Author, Comment, Connector from, Connector to, Connector from diagram, Connector to diagram, Store type, Information item type, Information item link, Trend, Trend and period, Resource type, Resource unit, Organization unit type, Custom attribute, Roles, Linked to, Version, Severity, Probability, Impact Minimization, Mitigation, Impact, Rating, Notes, Index number, or Scorecard description, Parent Organization, Child Organizations, Resources, Process Steps, Parent Note, Child Notes, Child information items, Parent information items, Data type, Organization Item, Information Item Usage, Resource Usage, Parent diagram, External model, External Model URL, From, To, Outgoing connectors, Incoming connectors, Attached, Attached to, Information Items, Notes

    contains, does not contain, is, is not, role name is.

    With custom attributes you also need to select the custom attribute that is filtered.

    Input text for the filter. The difference between the contains/does not contain and is/is not options is that the first filters check whether the attribute includes or does not include the text in the selected attribute, and the latter filters check whether the attribute text is or is not exactly the typed text.


    In the Actions tab: "(is any of the following)"


    Otherwise see the previous section.

    In the Actions tab: Select one or more (multiple items can be selected with the help of Ctrl and Shift keys) action types.


    Otherwise see the previous section.

    Modifier, Creator, Owner, Assigned to, Approved by, Identified by

    is, is not, belongs to group, does not belong to group, is current user, is not current user, has, does not have, has user belonging to group, does not have user belonging to group, has current user, does not have current user

    Click the Select button to open the user selection view for selecting a user on whom the filter is based on. For "is current user" and "is not current user" the user is the user currently logged in to QPR Portal.

    Last modified, Creation date, Approved date, Start date, Deadline, Identified, Valid from, Valid to, Model creation date, Model last saved date, Date stamp

    after, before, in, not in

    Define the year, month, and day on which the filter is based on.


    is equal to, is not equal to, is greater than, is less than, is greater than or equal to, is less than or equal to

    Input a percentage on which the filter is based on. Note that 1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%, etc.

    Value, Value and period, Range value, Range value and period

    is equal to, is not equal to, is greater than, is less than, is greater than or equal to, is less than or equal to, is null, is not null

    Input the desired value into the text field. Define also the period and series as well as period offset. The period offset allows you to e.g. display values of two different periods simultaneously. This can be done by having e.g. two fields that display a value included in the table and for instance configuring the first field to display the value of the current period and configuring the second field to display value for a period that is as many periods before or after the current period as defined in the offset, which can be a positive or a negative integer value.

    Number of instances

    is equal to, is not equal to, is greater than, is less than, is greater than or equal to, is less than or equal

    Input the desired value into the text field.



    Click OK to commit the changes to filtering options and to return to the View Designer view. Click Cancel to close the filter designer view without changing any filtering settings.


    Example filters:




    Owner + belongs to group + Management Group

    Processes -> Analysis

    Displays all elements the owner of which belongs to a user group called Management Group.

    Information item type + is + Quality Document

    Processes -> Analysis

    Displays all elements which have information items of the type "Quality Document" connected to them. Equivalent results can also be achieved with Information item type + contains + Quality filter.

    Range name + is + Poor + Series and Period at View default and period offset at 0

    Scorecards -> Analysis

    Displays all measures with their value in the "Poor" (i.e. red) range for the period and series selected for the view.

    Progress + is less than or equal + 0.4

    Actions -> Analysis or Discussion

    Displays all action plans which have progress of 40% or less.