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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Administrator's Guide > QPR Product Activation > Activating the Software

    Silent Product Activation

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    QPR Product Activation can also be performed silently (i.e. so that no QPR Activation Utility is displayed). The silent activation can be started in two ways:


    1.Launching QPR.Activation.exe with a /SILENTACTIVATION option
    2.Having the SilentFirstActivation option in QPR_Shared.ini set to 1 (true)


    In the case the command line option is used, the wizard will check whether the following information exists in QPR_Shared.ini:


    EntitlementID (Product Activation Code)

    E-mail address

    First Name

    Last Name



    If all these are present, the silent activation is started. If some of the abovementioned information is missing, the QPR Product Activation Wizard is started in the normal mode.


    In the case the SilentFirstActivation options is used, the following prerequisites must be met:


    EntitlementID (Product Activation Code) is in the QPR_Shared.ini file

    E-mail address is in the QPR_Shared.ini file

    Customer's name is in the QPR_Shared.ini file

    Activation status file is clean (i.e. right after the installation and the product has not been activated previously or the 14-day evaluation period used)


    If all the abovementioned requirements are met, the silent activation is started. Otherwise the QPR Activation Utility is started in the normal mode. Note that the command line option overrides the QPR_Shared.ini setting, so even if the SilentFirstActivation setting would be 0 (false), and the command line option is given, the activation is started in the silent mode providing that all the necessary information is included in the QPR_Shared.ini file.