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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide

    User Selection View

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    This view is opened whenever you need to select one or more users to be, for example, recipients of an e-mail notification.


    You can select whether to list both users and groups or either users or groups individually by selecting the desired option from the Show drop-down menu.


    In the case either the Users and groups or the Users only option has been selected, you can choose whether to show users in any group or in a certain group by selecting either the desired group or the <Any group> option from the Users in group drop-down menu. If there are no groups, the "Users in group" menu is empty.


    If you want to search for users or groups from the user/group pool defined with the settings above, enter the name you want to search into the Search field and click the Search button to start the search. Click the Reset button to empty the search text field and to reset the search results.


    The list box below displays all the users and/or groups that match the settings defined in the Show and Users in group drop-down menus or match the search terms. Groups are indicated with a <group> identifier after the group's name. You can transfer the desired users and/or groups into the Selected users and groups list by either selecting users/groups and clicking the Select > button or using the Select All >> button. Note that you can select many individual users or groups by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting the users/groups, or alternatively you can select many users/groups who are in the list in a consecutive order by clicking the first user or group, pressing down the Shift key and clicking the last user or group, and all the user and groups between them become selected as well. The Select All >> button transfers all the available users and groups into the Selected users and groups list.


    In the Selected users and groups list, you can select whether to list both users and groups or either users or groups individually by selecting the desired option from the Show drop-down menu.


    If you want to search for users or groups from the list of selected users defined with the Show setting, enter the name you want to search into the Search field and click the Search button to start the search. Click the Reset button to empty the search text field and to reset the search results.


    The < Remove and << Remove All buttons remove users from the Selected Users list and transfers them back to the available users list. The users can be selected similarly as with the Select > and Select All >> buttons.


    Click OK to accept the user/group selections or Cancel to close the window without committing any changes. The Help button opens this help window.


    The * character after the name of a user or group indicates that the user/group has been selected already.


    If there are more than 500 search results, the results are divided into separate pages, which can be changed using the < Previous and Next > buttons. Note that the 500 results is only the default value, and the administrator can customize this value. For more information about customizing the value, refer to QPR Developer's Guide.