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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide

    Using Public URL's

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    For communicating your model information outside the QPR Portal, you can easily create a public URL. Therefore, if you have a view from QPR Portal, you can save its URL and send it to someone else. The receiver can then open the URL in his or her own browser, log into the view with his or her user name and password, and open the view.


    How to get a Public URL?


    Open the QPR Portal view whose public URL you want to find out. Then click the Copy Link link at the top of the view, below the tabs. If you are using Internet Explorer, the link to the view will be placed on the clipboard. For other browsers, a dialog showing the link address is shown. You can then copy the address from the dialog. After that, you can paste the link where you need it. Opening this address in a web browser requires a successful login to QPR Portal (which is done automatically if your login information is stored to cookies or Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is enabled), after which the linked view opens. Note that getting the link via the Copy Link link is not supported for all QPR Portal views.


    Another way to get a public URL is to open the view whose public URL you want to find out, then click the Bookmark link at the top of the view, below the tabs. This opens the "Create New Bookmark" window. In this window, copy the address in the Location field. Opening this address in a web browser requires a successful login to QPR Portal (which is done automatically if your login information is stored to cookies or Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is enabled), after which the linked view opens. In the case you copy the address in the Direct Link field, a separate login is not needed. However, it is not advisable to distribute these URL's as they contain your login information. Select the contents of the desired field using your mouse or double click the field contents, and press Ctrl+c key combination to copy the URL to the clipboard. When you are done, you can close the "Create Bookmark" window. When the URL is on the clipboard, it can be inserted, for example, into a text document or an e-mail using a paste command in the applications at issue.


    To obtain the public URL for a view that has already been bookmarked in the QPR Portal, first select the Settings page (or Manage Bookmarks in the My Contents tab) in the QPR Portal. Next click the Manage My Bookmarks or the Manage Public Bookmarks link, depending on the type of the bookmark, select the desired bookmark from the bookmarks list, and press the Properties button. This will open the "Modify Bookmark" window. In this window, you can see both the Location and Direct Link URL's to the view. Select the contents of the desired field using your mouse or double click the field contents, and press Ctrl+c key combination to copy the URL to the clipboard. When you are done, you can close the "Modify Bookmark" window. When the URL is on the clipboard, it can be inserted, for example, into a text document or an e-mail using a paste command in the applications at issue.


    When using Common QPR Authentication and the link is going to be used in another QPR portal product, append a "&XSESSION=<#sessionid>" parameter to the end of the link URL. For more information about Common QPR Authentication, see the QPR - Administrator's Guide.


    Also e-mail notifications sent from QPR Portal contain a public URL.


    If you open a view in any other way than the ones presented earlier, the URL displayed in your browser is encrypted and cannot be used as a public URL.