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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Workflows

    Workflow Properties

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    Workflow's header


    Workflow's description


    A unique symbol for the workflow. Can be used, for example, by another workflow to trigger this workflow.


    The Windows Workflow Foundation based XAML workflow definition done in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

    Automatic ticket creation

    If this is selected, every time a new object of the type that is bound to this workflow is created, a workflow ticket is created and triggered.


    The owner of the workflow. Can be used to give any given user or a user group access to make modifications to this workflow.

    Workflow status

    A collection of key/value pairs. Can be used for defining the initial status of created workflow tickets.

    Target settings

    A collection of property/value pairs.


    The property is applied to all the attributes listed in the value (a comma-separated list of attribute identifiers) when they are shown in in QPR Portal Action Details, Action Editor, and Details Pane views.


    The property can be "hidden", which means that the listed attributes are not shown, or "readonly", which means that the values of the listed attributes cannot be modified in the Action Editor.


    The attribute identifiers can be any of the following:

    - <attribute id> (e.g. Description)

    - Group:<attribute group id> (e.g. Group:Roles)

    - <option string attribute>.<option> (e.g., Status.Draft)

    Bound to types

    A list of action types this workflow is bound to. When a workflow is bound to an action type, workflow tickets are created automatically for objects of the selected type. In addition, the Target settings (see above) are applied to the Action Editor whenever a new action of the selected type is being created.


    Shows the workflow tickets of this workflow.

    Publish to

    This field defines the persons the workflow is published to.


    Author publishes the workflow only to the person who created it. Everyone publishes the workflow to every user and the Selected users option publishes the workflow to a certain group of users only. You can define the users that the action will be published to by clicking the Users button.


    An e-mail notification can be sent by checking the "Notify via e-mail" checkbox (with new workflows the box is checked by default) and clicking the OK button.