In the Information Item and Resource dialogs, you can define the behavior and the custom attribute types of the current model's information items and resources. This dialog can be opened from the Modeling Options dialog by selecting either "Information Item" or "Resource" and clicking the "View" button.
The Behavior tab shows the custom hierarchies in the model.
Element hierarchies
The element hierarchies can be used, for example, to model the structure of the process. The element hierarchies are visible in sub-tabs of the Processes tab in QPR Portal. In case the model containing the custom hierarchy is a base model, the hierarchy is published if an information item or a resource that is a part of the hierarchy is published. The "Custom hierarchies" list shows all the custom hierarchies in the model. The list is used to define element hierarchy behavior for the information item and resource types. The list contains four parts:
•Checkbox: selecting a checkbox will make the information item or resource type a part of the hierarchy in question.
•Hierarchy: this column lists the names of the element hierarchies in the model.
•Part of branch: the drop down boxes in this column define if the information item or resource can be a part of a single branch (i.e. the information item or resource can have only one parent element) or multiple branches (i.e. the information item or resource can have multiple parent elements).
•Node type: defining the node type as a "leaf node" prevents the information items or resources of this type from having child elements, whereas defining the node type as "any node" allows the information items or resources of this type to have child elements.
To create a new element hierarchy, click the New button. To view and modify the properties of an existing hierarchy, click the View button. Click Delete to delete the selected hierarchy.
Custom Attribute Types
See the Custom Attribute Types topic.
Model Validation
On the Model Validation tab, you can define validation rules to help you with model consistency and following a modeling notation. When the check box is filled, the validation definition set in Modeling Options Dialog are used. When the check box is checked, the validation definition on the current element type dialog is used. See the Modeling Options Dialog topic for details.