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Creating New Value Settings
Exercise 115: Create a New Value Setting in Which There Are 4 Ranges: Excellent, Good, Adequate and Poor
1. Open the Dentorex Group Scorecard model.
2. On the Model tab of the ribbon, click the Value Settings button.
3. The Value Settings window opens. ClickCopy.
4. From the window that opens, expand the Dentorex Group Scorecard hierarchy, select the Basic - Maximize value setting, and click OK:
5.Highlight the new value setting displayed below the old settings, and click Edit. Change the name of the value setting to "Value Settings Exercise". Change also the description if you want:
5. Close the Value Settings Properties window by clicking OK.
6. Before creating the fourth range, we will create a new series, which will be the limit between the ranges Adequate and Good. Therefore, in the Value Settings window, click Add Series. The Series Properties window will open.
7. In the Series Properties window, type in the Name and Identifier as in the picture below and choose the type Range limit:
8. Close the Series Properties window by clicking OK.
9. The fourth range can now be created. In the Value Settings window, click Add Range. The Range Properties window opens.
10. Enter the following information in the Range Properties window:
11. Click the Color field and choose a light green color in the color menu.
12. Close the Range Properties window by clicking OK.
13. We also have to change the properties of the ranges Average and Poor. Therefore, in the Value Settings window, expand the Value Settings Exercise hierarchy:
14. Highlight the name of the Average range, and click Edit:
15. Change the name of the range to Adequate and the value to 3.
16. Change the Upper limit from Target to Limit, and the lower limit to be included in range:
17. Click OK to close the Range Properties window.
18. Highlight the name of the Poor range, click Edit, and and uncheck the Included in range check box of Upper limit. Also, activate the warning to be shown on upper level measures:
19. Click OK to close the Range Properties window. The Value Settings should now look like described in the figure below:
20. Close the Value Settings window by clicking OK.
When you now open any measure, and select the General tab, you are able to choose the new value setting to be used. In order to see the new range in the indicator and history graph, you need to assign values to the Lower Target series, which define the limit between the ranges good and average. The Lower Target values have to be smaller than the Target values, but higher than the Alarm values.
See the Value Settings Window topic in QPR Metrics - User's Guide for more information.