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Information Item Window

Information Item Window

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Information Item Window

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Adding parameters for an information item



What are information item parameters?

An Information item parameter is additional information that can be included with your information item location to improve the accessibility of the information item. Therefore, you can use the various parameters to define the properties of the information item. In addition to the default parameter choices provided, you can define any kinds of parameters if they are supported by the information item itself.


How do I use information item parameters?

A parameter can be added to the information item by double-clicking the desired parameter in the list. The parameter will be added to the information item location inside percentage signs, %, to mark it as a parameter. Because the % signs are used as parameter separators, those should not be used inside parameter names to ensure correct functionality.  When you open an information item that uses parameters and some of the parameters cannot be resolved (QPR Metrics first tries to search the element to which the information item is connected to for the corresponding data), the parameter gets an empty string as the value.



The available parameters include:

User login name: This parameter takes the login name of the current user

User full name: This parameter takes the full name of the current user.

Information item name: This parameter takes the name of the information item.

Scorecard identifier: The parameter takes the identifier of the scorecard in which the element resides.

Scorecard name: The parameter takes the name of the scorecard in which the element resides.

Element identifier: The parameter takes the identifier of the element in which the information item is attached to.

Element name: This parameter takes the name of the element to which the information item is connected.

Model name: This parameter takes the name of the model in which the element resides.

Period name: This parameter takes the name of the selected period.