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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Edit Values View

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    With Edit Values view you can edit the values of the element. You can open the Edit Value view from the Element View by clicking the "Edit" button above the value table. The order of columns in this view is determined by the rules listed in the Values section of the Element View help topic.


    You can modify all the values of the type "Value is typed in". There is an input box or a drop-down box available for every series of this type. The input type depends on whether the input type has been set to use quantitative or qualitative input in the QPR Metrics client. With the quantitative input type there is an input box for typing in the value, and with qualitative input there is a drop-down box containing the measure's ranges as its options. If the value has been defined to use a date type measurement unit, the input format must be the same as the system locale date format or the ISO standard date format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss). After editing, click the "Submit" button to save changes and close the view. In this view you can also remove values completely by emptying the value field.


    If a value has status defined for it, it is shown to the left of the value in the corresponding field. If your user rights allow it, you can change the status by clicking the icon or the name of the status. Clicking the icon or the name opens the Select Status View, where you can select a new status for the value. If a series uses status control and there is a default status defined, the default status is applied automatically when you enter a new value for such a series.