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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Measure Definitions View

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    With Measure Definitions View you can edit the definitions of elements: name, description, measurement unit and the user assigned to the primary role in the case the element type has roles defined for it. You can open the Measure Definitions View from the Element View by clicking the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the Definitions section.


    You can type in the element name and description, choose the measurement unit from the drop-down list and select a user for the element type's primary role. You can also select users for other roles than the primary role if such have been defined. For changing user roles for the element type, you need to have at least Update rights to QPR Portal. To change user roles, click the "Select" button which will open the User Selection dialog.


    Note! The element name cannot be longer than 100 characters, and the maximum length of element description is 2000 characters.


    After editing, click the "OK" button to save changes and close the view. The definitions of the element are updated in the Element View.


    Note! If the same element is opened in some other browser windows, they will not be updated automatically, so you will have to refresh them manually to get the latest changes.