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  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > View Designer

    Using the View Designer

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    The following sections cover the use of the View Designer view regarding configuring fields included in a view, defining filters, and saving the views you have created.


    When you want to exit the designer, click the Hide Designer button at the upper right corner to hide the view designer and display only the currently active view.



    Defining Fields Included in a View


    To add fields (columns) to the table, click the Add button in the Select Fields section. To remove a field, select the desired field and click the Remove button. You can modify the order of fields by selecting fields and moving them to the desired position with the Up and Down buttons. Note that the preview pane below the designer is updated only after you click the Apply button.


    The "Other Settings" section below the Select Fields section contains some of the following additional choices depending on the currently active view. The section is visible in the Analysis and Actions views under the Processes and Scorecards tabs.

    Drill through information items: A field containing an information item shows also possible sub information items (information items for which the information item in question is a parent information item) when this option is checked.

    Drill through diagrams: Elements also in the child diagram of the selected diagram are included in the view when this option is checked.

    Drill through scorecards: Elements also in the scorecards under the selected scorecard in the hierarchy are included in the view when this option is checked.

    Show actions linked to: Any model version will make all actions linked to any model version of the model shown. This includes also actions that have been linked to model versions that have been deleted from the server or that are not published. Any model version in current branch will make all actions linked to all published model versions that are under the current branch shown. Current model version will make only actions linked to this specific model version shown.


    The following settings are available for fields in the Field Properties section:

    Column header text: Choose the desired header text option from the drop-down menu. In the case None is selected as the header text, the header contains only an asterisk (*). This is a setting common to all fields in all views. In the case the "Custom header" option is selected, input the desired column header text into the field directly below the drop-down box.

    Column width: You can choose either relative width or fixed width for the field. Relative width uses all the remaining width after fields with fixed width have allocated their respective space. In the case there are multiple fields with relative width, the remaining space is divided evenly for the fields. Fixed width allows you to define a pixel width for the field. This setting is available for fields in Analysis and Navigator views under the Processes, Scorecards, and Actions tab.

    Drill through actions: A field containing action data also includes the hierarchy of replies (recursively) to actions when this option is checked. This setting is available in the Navigator and Analysis views under the Scorecards tab and in the Analysis view under the Processes tab.


    In addition to settings above, some fields available in the Analysis and Navigator views of the Scorecards tab have the following extra settings:

    Series: Select the series used for the field. Note that if some series is explicitly selected, that series is used for the column regardless of changes made in the Series Selection View available through the Series button in the actual view. Use the "View default" option to use the series selected for the view itself (as opposed to using the series selected for the column). In the case a fixed series is used, it is often a good idea to indicate this in the column header text.

    Period: Select the period used for the field. Note that if some period is explicitly selected, that period is used for the column regardless of changes made in the Period Selection View available through the Periods button in the actual view. Use the "View default" option to use the period selected for the view itself (as opposed to using the period selected for the column). In the case a fixed period is used, it is often a good idea to indicate this in the column header text.

    Period offset: The period offset allows you to for instance display values of two different periods simultaneously. This can be done by having e.g. two fields that display a value of an element included in the table and for instance configuring the first field to display the value of the current period and configuring the second field to display value for a period that is as many periods before or after the current period as defined in the offset, which can be a positive or a negative integer value.

    Show: You have four display options for actions included in the drop-down menu:

    oAll actions: All actions are displayed.

    oActions created: When you select this option, define also the amount of periods to be included before and after the period selected for the view. As a result, all actions created during the defined period range are displayed.

    oActions modified: When you select this option, define also the amount of periods to be included before and after the period selected for the view. As a result, all actions modified during the defined period range are displayed.

    oSet dates of actions are: When you select this option, define also the amount of periods to be included before and after the period selected for the view. As a result, all actions with their "Date stamp" setting being included in the defined period range are displayed.


    There is also one additional setting available for the "Custom attribute" field in the Analysis view of the Processes tab:

    Custom attribute: Select the custom attribute you want to display in the field from the drop-down list. The list contains all custom attribute types defined for the element types in the currently active model.



    Defining Filters


    You can control which actions or model elements are shown in the view by adding filters. Filters enable you to define various filtering criteria for the elements displayed in the view, so you can for instance select to include only certain types of elements or elements with a value above or below a desired limit. Click the Configure Filters button to open the View Filter Designer view, in which you can add and remove filters.


    If you are using customized action types in addition to the default action types, you can make them visible in the View Filter Designer view by configuring them in the web templates. For more information, refer to QPR Developer's Guide.



    Managing Views


    The following sections provide information about managing views created in the View Designer.



    Saving Configured Views


    Click the Apply button to take the currently designed view into use in the preview pane below the view designer. Note that the Apply button just refreshes the preview pane for seeing the designed view in action, but the view is not yet saved anywhere. To save the view, use either the Set as Default... or the Save... button. Note that this option does not update any previously saved views.


    Click the Save... button to open a view in which you can provide a name for the designed view, define the users for who the view is published (i.e. the saved view is available for them to use) and select if the designed view is used only for the currently selected model. Note that this selection is not possible for all views since model specific views can be only the ones where elements of a certain model (created in QPR Modeling Client or QPR Metrics) are listed. In the View Editor Window you can select either to modify the existing view by clicking Save (not possible for default views) or create a new view by clicking Save as.


    Click the Set as Default... button to set the configured view as the default view for yourself. For administrator users clicking the button opens a dialog for defining the users for who the designed view is set as the default view. Setting the view as default refreshes the preview pane below the designer and stores the view as the default view that is opened when the corresponding QPR Portal section is accessed, but does not save it in the sense that you cannot find it in the Views menu. Note that this option does not update any previously saved views listed in the view selection dialog but will replace just the default view saved for user(s) instead.



    Deleting Saved Views


    Saved views can be removed in the Settings dialog. Depending on the publishing settings, the views are stored either under the Manage My Bookmarks or the Manage Shared Bookmarks sections. The views you have published only to yourself are located under the Manage My Bookmarks section and the rest of the views are located under the Manage Shared Bookmarks section. Regardless of the section, click the Views radio button to switch the listing from bookmarks to views.