Measure values are values input to process steps, groups or connectors for a certain measure in a certain case, e.g. processing time of Handle order for Order 12345. A measure value has the following properties:
connected model element (process step, group or connector)
connected case
connected measure
Value Types and Formats
The value type of a measure defines whether there is only one or two values in one measure value. In addition to value type, the value format selected in the measure affects how the measure values are presented.
Inputting and Modifying Measure Values
There are three possibilities for inputting and modifying measure values:
through the measure values page of a process step, group or connector dialog
through the analysis spreadsheet
through an external spreadsheet program
In the model element dialog only measure values for that model element can be input and modified. It can also be used to check which measure values have been input into that model element.
In the analysis spreadsheet, measure values are presented as a table with cases as rows and process steps, groups and connectors as columns. In the spreadsheet it is easier to input and modify measure values for several model elements and cases at the same time.
You can enter a measure value in the selected cell simply by typing it. If you want to modify an existing measure value, you can edit it by pressing the F2 key. The calculated values in the analysis spreadsheet cannot be directly modified, they are automatically updated each time you change a measure value.
When a measure value is input or modified, QPR Modeling Client tries to convert it into a value of the format defined in the measure. If it is not possible to convert the given value, QPR Modeling Client shows an error
message and shows the right format. If you have the measure values available in a different format, you can change the format QPR Modeling Client accepts from the Windows Control panel.