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Create Model Elements in a Diagram

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In the Diagram, model elements are created by selecting a tool from the Tool Palette for drawing the desired model element and then clicking on the diagram in a position where the model element should be located or by dragging an element from the Tool Palette to the desired position on the diagram. In addition, when quick modeling is enabled, process steps, custom elements, organization items, notes, and stores can be created by clicking a quick modeling hotspot around the selected element.


Use the Select tool btn_se25 located on the Home tab of the ribbon for selecting the model elements in the diagram.


The following model elements can be created (depending on the chosen modeling options and view settings) in the diagram:


process steps

custom elements




organization items


external models


It is also possible to drag and drop model elements from the Navigator View and Diagram Explorer to the diagram to instantiate the elements.


In addition to model elements, also drawing elements can be added to the diagram.


By default, the name of the created element can be given by typing it in the diagram. If the description property is shown for the element, then also it can be typed in the diagram.


Default graphical properties defined in the view settings are used for the created model elements.


You can cancel the creation any time before accepting the name by pressing the Esc key.


When naming the elements you can take advantage of the text formatting capabilities of QPR Modeling Client.



Creating Process Steps

There are several tools for creating different kinds of process steps. The available tools depend on the process step types and the symbols specified for them. For example, for simple modeling options the following tools are available for drawing different types of process steps:

btn_activity Activity

btn_core_process Core Process

btn_decision Decision

btn_external_model External Model

btn_activity Information Container

btn_main_process Main Process

btn_subprocess Subprocess



Activities are shown as rectangles, decisions as diamonds, subprocesses as rectangles with shadows and external models as rounded rectangles with shadows, etc. A process step type can later be changed from the Process Step Type dialog.


When you have selected the right tool in the Tool Palette, create a new process step by pointing and clicking the location for it in the diagram or by dragging and dropping it to the desired location on the diagram.


If you create a process step which has been defined as a diagram, a new child diagram is added to the model. This diagram is positioned under the current diagram.


You can also create instantiated process steps (process steps similar to one you have already created)  by drawing them pressing the Ctrl key down and choosing from the list of available process steps. When the 'Show pick list when creating elements' behavior setting is enabled for the process step type, instances can also be created by selecting a name from the drop-down menu displayed on the newly created element. Custom elements require that also the 'Allow multiple instances' behavior setting is enabled for the custom element type. In addition, an existing process step can be copied (as in copy & paste, not instantiated) by selecting the desired process step, pressing down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse to the location where you want to create the copy.



Creating Connectors

There are several tools for creating different kinds of connectors. The available tools depend on the connector types and the symbols specified for them in the modeling options. For example, for simple modeling options the following tools are available for drawing different types of connectors:

btn_material_flow Association

btn_control_flow Control Flow

btn_material_flow Material Flow

btn_information_flow Information Flow


A control type can later be changed from the Connector Type dialog.


To create a connector, select one of the Flow or the Connector tools from the Tool Palette and click first the starting point and then the ending point for the connector. The connector is automatically routed from the starting point to the ending point. The route is shown while the connector is being drawn. If the starting or the ending point is a process step, just click inside the process step element. Either the starting or the ending point for a connector must be a process step or a generic element. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the connector on the diagram. The starting and/or ending point of the connector will then automatically be connected to an element if the point is on top of an element when you release the mouse button.


Note: By default connector end points are moved to maintain their relative position in the element when the element is resized. However, if you wish to have the connector ends to maintain their original position when the element is resized, press the F6 key to toggle a drawing mode which does not use the relative placement for connector ends. You can return to the original drawing mode by pressing the F6 key again. You can also change the drawing mode setting in the Options Dialog.


By default, if an information flow has only one information item linked to it (the default information item), an information item icon is shown on the information flow. You can hide the information item icon by pressing the F8 key.



Creating Stores

The tools for creating information and material stores depend on the modeling options. The default modeling options include the Information Store tool btn_information_store for information and a tool for Material Stores btn_material_store. A symbol for the same store can be shown in several places on the diagram to simplify the diagram. If you have already created stores in the model, a dialog for selecting a store to be reused is shown. In the dialog you can also create a new store. However, to create a new store without displaying the element selection dialog, select the appropriate drawing tool and click on the diagram or drag and drop the element from the Tool Palette to the diagram with the Ctrl key pressed down. You can also create a new copy or a new instance of a store by selecting the desired store, pressing down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse to the location where you want to create the new instance or copy. A question dialog is displayed for selecting whether you want to create a copy or a new instance.



Creating Organization Items

Organization Items can be created by selecting Organization Item tool btn_organization_item in the Tool Palette and then pointing and clicking the level for the upper edge of the organization item or by dragging and dropping the element from the Tool Palette to the diagram. If you have already created organization items in the model, a dialog for selecting an organization item to be reused is shown. In the dialog you can also create a new organization item. You can also create a new sub organization item under an existing organization item by right-clicking on the intended parent organization item and selecting the "New Sub Organization Item..." command from the pop-up menu.


To create a new organization item without displaying the element selection dialog, select the organization item drawing tool and click on the diagram or drag and drop the element from the Tool Palette to the diagram with the Ctrl key pressed down. The same organization item can be shown in several places in the diagram. If there are no previously defined organization items in the diagram, the organization item is created to be so high that it includes all the process steps under the upper limit. If you create an organization item on top of another, space for the new organization item is inserted between the previously defined organization items. You can also create a new copy or a new instance of an organization item by selecting the desired organization item, pressing down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse to the location where you want to create the new instance or copy. A question dialog is displayed for selecting whether you want to create a copy or a new instance.


If you want the organization item element to be of another size than the default, you can define the height (in horizontal modeling) or width (in vertical modeling) when first drawing the organization item by keeping the left mouse button pressed down. When you release the left mouse button, the organization item is created in the height or width you defined. You can also resize the organization item after drawing it by dragging from the corner of the element while keeping the left mouse button pressed down.



Creating Groups

Groups are created by selecting the Group tool btn_group in the Tool Palette and pointing and clicking the location for the group or by dragging and dropping the group from the Tool Palette to the diagram. You can also create a copy of a group by selecting the desired group, pressing down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse to the location where you want to create the copy.


If you want the group element to be of another size than the default, you can define the element size when first drawing the group by keeping the left mouse button pressed down. When you release the left mouse button, the group is created in the size you defined. You can also resize the group after drawing it by dragging from the corner of the element while keeping the left mouse button pressed down.



Creating Notes

Notes are created by selecting the Note tool btn_note  in the Tool Palette and then pointing and clicking the location for the note on the diagram or by dragging and dropping the note from the Tool Palette to the diagram. If you click a location or drop the note on a location which is inside a process step element, the note is automatically connected to that process step and it is shown as an icon inside the process step element. You can also create a new copy of a note by selecting the desired note, pressing down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse to the location where you want to create the copy.


If you want the note element to be of another size than the default, you can define the element size when first drawing the note by keeping the left mouse button pressed down. When you release the left mouse button, the note is created in the size you defined. You can also resize the note after drawing it by dragging from the corner of the element while keeping the left mouse button pressed down.