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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Actions > Action Properties

    Action Plan

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    Action's header


    Action's description


    Percentage of how much of the action presented in the action plan is completed.


    Owner(s) of the action plan. Click the Select button to open the User Selection View for selecting one or more  users or groups to be the owner of the action plan.

    Assigned to

    Person(s) responsible for carrying out the action

    presented in the action plan.  Click the Select button to open the User Selection View for selecting one or more users or groups for who the action plan will be assigned to.

    Approved by

    Persons or groups who have approved the action plan.  Click the Select button to open the User Selection View for selecting one or more users or groups who have approved the action plan.

    Start date

    Date when the action described in the action plan will be started. You can define the date by typing in the year and selecting the month and day from the drop-down boxes. Alternatively, you can select the date from the calendar accessible through the calendar icon.


    Date when the action presented in the action plan must be completed. You can define the date by typing in the year and selecting the month and day from the drop-down boxes. Alternatively, you can select the date from the calendar accessible through the calendar icon.

    Date stamp

    With actions connected to QPR Metrics elements you can use the  fields in this row to control the period in which an action becomes "active", so you can for instance create action plans related to future periods and have them appear in analysis views for the future periods in question instead of the periods during which the actions were created.


    You can define the date freely using the Year, Month, and Day drop-down boxes, or you can click the "Select Period" button, which opens the Period Selection view with periods taken from the currently open QPR QPR Metrics model. When you select a period using the Period Selection view, the date stamp is set to either the first, the middle, or the last day of that period according to the periodic accumulation settings for the corresponding period level. The aforementioned settings can be defined in QPR Metrics client. This field is not available if QPR Metrics Server is not running.


    Action plan's category. The text and the language in the options are defined by the administrator and the language settings of QPR Portal do not affect them.


    However, in the case the administrator has not defined any categories, the category field is an input field into which you can type the category freely.


    Action plan's status. The text and the language in the options are defined by the administrator and the language settings of QPR Portal do not affect them.


    However, in the case the administrator has not defined any status options, the status field is an input field into which you can type the status freely.

    Publish to

    This field defines the persons the action is published to.


    Users of linked elements publishes the action to users who have authorization to an element the action is linked to. Author publishes the action only to the person who created it. Everyone publishes the action to every user and the Selected users option publishes the action to a certain group of users only. You can define the users that the action will be published to by clicking the Users button.


    An e-mail notification can be sent to defined persons. The recipients of the notification are:


    In the case the Selected users option is selected:

    - Users referenced by the action, including the selected users the action is published to and owners of its parent external objects.

    Note that if this option is selected when initially creating the action (i.e. creating the action is not yet confirmed with the OK button), all users defined in fields that have a CausesResponsibility flag set are added to the list of recipients automatically. However, if you open the User Selection View and close it with the OK button, automatic additions to the list of recipients don't occur anymore for the given action. By default the following action plan fields have the CausesResponsibility flag set:


    oAssigned to

    oApproved by


    In the case Everyone or Users of linked elements option is selected:

    - Users referenced by the action and all parent actions, and owners of its parent external objects. Parent action notifications are sent recursively up to the top of the hierarchy or to an action which has been published with the "Author" or the "Selected users" option.

    - In the case of a QPR Modeling Client model, also the following users will receive the notification: The address(es) defined as the model's feedback address in the model properties, and the address(es) defined as the author of the corresponding diagram, and the user set as the owner of the corresponding diagram.


    In the case Author option is selected.

    - Users referenced by the action and owners of its parent external objects..


    The notification can be sent by checking the "Notify via e-mail" checkbox (with new actions the box is checked by default) and clicking the OK button.


    You can add attachments to an action and modify the existing attachments. See Attachments.

    Linked to

    A list of links to elements the action is linked to.


    A linked element can be another action, information or material store, a QPR Modeling Client or QPR Metrics model object or a discussion forum thread, if the shown action is at the root level of the hierarchy.


    An action can have multiple linked elements.

    To add a new linked element to the action, first add the desired element to the basket. To do this, click the Add to Basket link in the element view. Then, in the Add to Basket window, select the item from the Elements category of the available items list and press the OK button.


    After the element has been added to the basket, press the Add button next to the linked elements list of the action. Then, in the Add from Basket window, select the desired element and press the OK button.


    To remove an existing linked element from an action, select the linked element and press the Remove button next to the linked elements list of the action.


    Lists the workflows and the corresponding workflow statuses the action type is bound to. If there is a workflow ticket for the action, the workflow can be triggered. If there isn't a workflow ticket for the action, it can be created.