QPR Knowledge Base 2017.1

Importing Models from Another Server

Importing Models from Another Server

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Importing Models from Another Server

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In the Remote Model Import Settings window's Settings tab you can define the settings for importing data from another server. You have a possibility to schedule the importing in the Scheduling tab. Scheduled importing/replication reduces the load caused by importing data from remote locations. For example, with the use of scheduling you can set the data import to occur during the night-time when the system is not in heavy use. You can schedule the import to run every night and thereby automatically update your model every night. The Remote Model Import Settings window can be accessed by selecting "Remote model imports" from the drop-down menu in the Integration View and editing an existing import or creating a new one.


The imported "replica" model is available as a read-only model and therefore it cannot be edited. When the importing is scheduled, the previous replica model is replaced with the replacing a model feature every time the scheduling is done.



Note: Only an administrator can import data to create a replica model from other locations and you have to be an administrator in both servers.

The imported replica model is only accessible with None or View user rights.



See Also

Remote Model Import Settings: Settings Tab

Remote Model Import Settings: Scheduling Tab


Copying and Referencing Elements Using the Scorecard Explorer

Replication Properties Tab is only visible in the Element Properties view when the element has been created as a reference to another model.