The Custom Element dialog is used to show properties of one custom element and its connections to other model elements. The Custom Element dialog can be accessed from the Diagram view by right-clicking the desired custom element and selecting Set Custom Element Properties... from the pop-up menu.
Depending on the defined behavior settings for the Custom Element, the Custom Element dialog can have the following pages: General, Information Items, Connectors, Notes, Resources, Interface, and Custom Attributes.
In the case multilingual modeling has been enabled, click the
button to open the Translation dialog for adding translations for different languages. You can translate items which are inputted into the model, i.e. items such as element names, flow names, resource names, etc. The
button opens the translation dialog with the translatable strings of the current tab included. Note that the fields display the values of the currently selected modeling language, i.e. in the case translation has not been provided for the active modeling language, the fields are empty.
The General page shows the name, the symbol, the type, and the modeling direction of the custom element. All these properties can be modified. The symbol is a unique identifier for the custom element. When a new custom element is created, QPR Modeling Client will assign it a unique symbol by getting the model object id and adding "MO" to its beginning. It is also possible to edit the symbol. Allowed characters in the symbol field are alphanumeric characters in upper case and lower case. Note that the element type cannot be changed from a custom element type to a non-custom element type. The bottom of the page is used for a memo field for showing and editing a description.
Note that you can use also HTML formatting in the description, but the formatting is visible only in QPR Portal.
The Version page shows version info for the custom element. This tab is visible only when the selected element type has the diagram behavior enabled.
Note that in the case you insert valid e-mail addresses to the author field, the address(es) defined here will receive e-mail notifications for QPR Portal actions connected to the diagram. You can add also multiple e-mail addresses separated by a comma.
To enable the tracking of version information, select the "Use Version Information for Current Diagram" option.
Information Items
The Information Items page shows the information items attached to this custom element. The lower part of the page shows the description of the selected information item, which cannot be edited. An information item can be added, modified and deleted using the Add, View and Remove buttons. Double-clicking an information item in the list opens the selected information item at the location, which has been specified in the information item properties. With the Default button you can define what information item will be opened if you have set Information Item as the link destination in the Web Style dialog.
On the connectors page, the incoming and outgoing connectors are shown in separate lists. Connectors cannot be modified on this page. The incoming list shows data in the following format 'Source element (source diagram) -> connector'. The outgoing list shows data in the following format 'connector -> Target element (target diagram)'.
Note that relation type connectors are not shown on the lists.
The Notes page shows all the notes connected to this custom element. The lower part of the page shows the description of the selected note. The description on this page cannot be edited. Notes can be added, modified and deleted using the Add, View and Remove buttons.
The Resources page shows the allocation of resources for the custom element. The resources allocated are shown in a sheet with a column for specifying the amount of each resource allocated to the generic element. The Add button can be used to allocate more resources to the generic element. The selected resource can be viewed and modified by clicking the View button. The Remove button removes the allocation for the selected resource.
Interface Mapping
See Interface Mapping.
Custom Attributes
In the Custom Attributes page, you can manage the values of custom attributes and view the descriptions of selected attributes. This tab is visible only if custom attributes have been defined for custom elements. To define a value for the listed attribute, you can just type in the value directly to the field. The values for Boolean and enumerated attributes are selected from a drop-down list. You can also add new values for the attribute by selecting Add if the custom attribute is allowed to have several values (the attribute has cardinality N).
You can use the Remove button to remove individual values from attributes that have cardinality N. The button is enabled only when an attribute with cardinality N is selected in the list.
To clear the value of the selected attribute, select the Clear button. If the value is an attribute set, the action clears all sub-values of the attribute set. If the attribute is an attribute with cardinality N, it removes all values from that attribute.
You can click the View button to open the element properties dialog of the selected element. The button is enabled only for relation type custom attributes that have the relation defined.
For memo and relation attributes, you can use the Modify button to edit the values. Then a new window is opened where you can edit the values, or in the case of a relation attribute, Select Model Elements for Relation is opened for selecting the model element.
Click the OK button to commit any changes you have made or click Cancel to close the window and abandon any possible changes. Click the Delete button to delete the custom element. A confirmation is asked before the element is deleted. Click the Help button to open the User's Guide.